Ok, So this week was an odd week but really fun.

So we really didn´t have any stand out moments or anything.
Sadly we didnt find a whole bunch of new investigators, didnt have a huge
amount of lessons and I felt like we were working really hard this week. I dont
know exactly what was going on. It wasnt like i was hating this week but
really, we didnt have that much success. I was still having fun though. The
highlight of the week was obviously Conference. General Conference was super
cool. I can honestly say that I felt the spirit more in this conference than in
any conference before in my life. I have narrowed it down to a couple reasons
why I think this conference was better than ones of the past. 1. I think I am
becoming more spiritually mature being on a mission. Well, I like to think
that. 2. I really prepared myself for this conference. In the march liahona
(probably the same in the ensign) it had an article about how you can prepare
yourself for the conference that is coming up and it mostly talked about
reading the conference issue from the last general conference. So everyday last
week I read a talk and really studied the words of the living prophets. Doing
so, I was a lot more excited for new conference talks. 3. I think that I am
getting better at recognizing the promptings and impressions of the spirit. I
can honestly say that I felt distinct impressions of what I can do in my life
right now in the mission to improve myself. One spiritual impression that I
recieved during one of the talks yesterday afternoon (one of the 70s i dont
remember who exactly right now) He talked about how we need to be more natural
and normal about sharing the gospel and that if we pray and ask God who we
should share the gospel with and trust in the answers we recieve, God we tell
us who we need to share the gospel with. As I heard that I got the impression
that I need to use the area book more and pray about who I can find that will
accept the gospel. All the people in the area book have already had
missionaries over before and my area never has really had success using the
area book. If I dont leave my area on wednesday (changes) I am definitely going
to do that.
But on a not so spirtual side conference was really fun too.
All 20 of us missionaries from my zone that speak english were crammed into a
tiny little room to watch Conference in english. It was crazy haha. It was like
a tiny little sunday school classroom. But then on Sunday we found a way to
move ourselves into a bigger room haha. I have a picture of the room on
saturday and sunday.
sorry this weeks letter is short I just dont have a lot to
share this week haha.
Yes, I got my new shoes haha. My old ones fell apart
literally in front of the stake presidents house about a week before my new
ones were going to come and I didnt have any other shoes. Luckily, we were
talking to the stake president as we walked toward his house and as soon as my
shoe fell apart and I was standing in the street with only one shoe on he asked
"do you have other shoes in your apartment?" and i said
"honestly, no" and so he went in his house and brought me out a pair
of brand new shoes to use until mine came in haha. The stake president is so
welp, I love reading about all of your lives and I hope you
have a great week!
Les Quiero!
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