Me and my ZL Elder P. |
So this last week was super quick! I had a 48 hour division with one of my zone leaders and the week just flew by! So Tuesday I left to Ñemby (pronounced Nyemboo) and started my first division with an elder that only speaks Spanish. It wasnt as hard as I thought! We didnt talk that much the first day mostly because we have nothing in common. He is from Honduras and his lifestyle is totally different. But then after that it got a little easier and we started talking. I learned a lot about how to ask questions better in lessons to help the investigator teach himself and how to ask for referalls better. Referalls make this work so much easier. When we actually have a house to go to instead of clapping every single house on a street, the success rate goes way up. If you know someone in your neighborhood who isnt a member, tell the missionaries. They wont even use your name if you dont want them to and they will love you forever.
My crepes that I made this morning. Sooooooo good. |
My comp Elder N. and his crepes |
So after the division was over I came back to my area and my house with air conditioning (the zone leaders dont want to pay to have their unit installed so they dont have AC) my comp and the other zone leader had recieved 33 referalls in two days! So we had some work to do and thursday flew by! We contacted so many of them. Sadly no one wanted to sit down with us except for a crazy catholic dude who told us that he was a prophet. He was crazy. But this crazy guy gave us a reference and we contacted the house on Friday and before we could even finish introducing ourselves they guy invited us in and we taught and now that guy has a baptismal date! Then on Saturday we got another referral from someone that didnt want to listen to us and we taught this girl and now she has a baptismal date too! and she even said that she wants to come to church! And she speaks english! hahah miracles this week! Good stuff. Sadly we had to drop one of our investigator familes who we thought were golden because they were so nice to us. We taught them lesson 1 a couple weeks ago and invited them to be baptized. They said that they were already baptized in the catholic church which means that they obviously didnt understand the part where we said that through a prophet all the authority of god was restored. So we went back and explained lesson 1 again and invited them to be baptized again and they said again that they were already baptized. They are the nicest people ever but we just cant go visit people all the time that will never progress. but the daughter said that she would still come to our weekly english class. So thats good, that they dont hate us.
So that is basically what happened this week. Hopefully our investigators can come to church next week!
I got bored this morning before studies and did a shake face.
Marly isnt running track!? Lame! Track is the best sport on the planet and it isnt going to hurt her cheerleading! if it does anything it will help it. Drew can do whatever he wants. He is the first person in this family to play JV anything as a freshmen. He shouldnt play football either if he wants to play basketball then. ;) I wish I could record what we do every day but it would be really hard to do and its against the rules to use the video function on our cameras anyways. (I still do sometimes if it is really cool and we are in the house) I made crepes this morning! And i basically have decided that I want to go to BYU after 1 more year at MCC. My comp went there for a little over a year before his mission and he convinced me that I want to go. But I still want to run too. Oh yeah and I passed the 4 month mark this week! So mom, if you and dad want to come pick me up in Paraguay you need to decided within the next 14 months. The mission needs to know 6 months in advance.
A list of things I want in life. |
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